And a huge part of that love comes from kibbeh. I absolutely ADORE kibbeh! In fact, if you happen to have a good memory, you will remember that I already have a kibbeh recipe here on the blog. I’ve shared my recipe for Baked Kibbeh, which I described as “Lebanese Meatloaf”, a while ago and I make it pretty often! This time I’m sharing the croquette version, because 1) they are to die for and 2) it’s football season and eating fried things is not only acceptable but encouraged! PLUS, the fried kibbeh look like little footballs!!! Aren’t they adorable? Kibbeh, kubbeh or kokeba all mean “the shape of a ball” in Arabic. In Portuguese, we call it Quibe or Kibe. And in the Dominican Republic, where this classic Lebanese dish is also very popular, they call it Quipe or Kipe. As you can see, lots of nations have embraced the deliciousness of the kibbeh. No surprises here, since these savory treats are so delicious! Kibbeh consists of a dough made of meat, bulgur (cracked wheat), onions and mint leaves, formed into football shaped croquettes, and filled with more meat, onions, pine nuts and Middle Eastern spices. They are then deep fried to perfection so they are crisp on the outside and soft inside!

I like to serve my kibbeh while they are still hot, with yogurt (or sour cream) and lime wedges. They can also be served at room temperature and they go great with pita bread, hummus, babaganoush and/or tabbouleh! I made two batches of this recipe in only a week. 48 kibbeh total and they all vanished VERY quickly! You see, they came out perfect the first time, but me and Tim couldn’t wait for pictures, and by the time we realized, all the kibbeh was gone. Thank God there was more meat and bulgur, so I was able to make a new batch. Please, try to not judge. My love for kibbeh is so intense that all my eating healthy related New Year resolutions go down the drain. It is not my fault. It’s all on the kibbeh. Damn you, kibbeh! Why do ya have to be so tasty? I mean… they are not so bad, health wise, right? Lebanese cuisine is supposedly considered healthy. So let’s forget the fact that these are deep fried and call them healthy. K? Good! Glad we’re on the same page! A few considerations about this recipe:

  1. Kibbeh is usually made with lamb or beef, but you can totally use chicken, turkey or fish here. I’ve eaten my fair share of chicken kibbeh while growing up, since my mom doesn’t eat red meat. However, I prefer beef! Beef kibbeh is the best! ❤️
  2. You’ll notice that I use a food processor in my recipe. However, if you do not own one, you can absolutely make everything by hand. I just recommend you grate the onion you’ll be using for the “dough” as to assure the meat dough is smooth and uniform.
  3. Also, this recipe works best with fine or extra fine bulgur wheat. It can be found in most supermarkets, in the grain section!
  4. If pine nuts are too over budget, substitute for walnuts! Your kibbeh will taste amazing regardless! I hope you guys enjoy it! I’m already craving some more kibbeh, so a tray of baked kibbeh might be in my future! I’m definitely not done with my kibbeh mania. So expect some more kibbeh recipes soon. I’m thinking kibbeh burger, kibbeh hummus bowl, vegetarian kibbeh. Kibbeh everywhere, kibbeh in ma bellyyyyyy!!! Oh yeah, I can never get enough of Lebanese food!

Kibbeh  Lebanese Beef Croquettes  - 18Kibbeh  Lebanese Beef Croquettes  - 14Kibbeh  Lebanese Beef Croquettes  - 4Kibbeh  Lebanese Beef Croquettes  - 12Kibbeh  Lebanese Beef Croquettes  - 33Kibbeh  Lebanese Beef Croquettes  - 3Kibbeh  Lebanese Beef Croquettes  - 74